What I look Forward to MY Favorite time of the year!!


Author: DaFemalePhenom


A Father-Daughter Bond Forged in Horror: A Tribute to My Dad and Our Love for the Genre

My dad has three girls, and each of us has our own special memories and bonds with him. For me, our connection was built on a shared love of horror. My passion for the horror genre didn’t come out of nowhere—it came from my dad. Every night after working the late shift, he would make himself a sandwich, grab a bag of Utz chips and a cold beer, and settle in to watch a horror film before going to bed. I would sneak out of bed each night, quietly slip into the living room, and split that sandwich with my dad as we watched a horror classic together.

As the years went by, I grew up, but one thing never changed—we always made sure to keep up with the latest movie releases, trailers, and video games. My mom wasn’t a fan of horror, but she knew how much it meant to me and my dad, so she supported us in her way, never interfering with our special time.

Life happens—you grow up, and sometimes your parents split up. But despite the changes, my dad and I always kept our bond of horror alive. Whether it was catching the latest release in theaters or renting something from Blockbuster on weekends spent with him, horror was our constant go-to.

Every year on September 30th, my dad will call me to remind me, "AMC Fear Fest is starting tomorrow." We’d chat about the lineup, and he’d always remind me that my favorite horror franchise, Halloween, would be the first to air. Another one of our shared favorites is Shudder. I got a subscription for myself and my dad so we could watch our favorite classics and enjoy both the old and new versions of Creepshow together—a tradition we look forward to every year.

Now that I’m a parent myself, I’m creating similar bonds with my children. While they may not be horror nerds like my dad and I, we have our movie nights every Friday. But come October, they know that the TV belongs to Mommy for the month—no exceptions!

I don’t know if AMC will ever see this, but I want to thank them for being a part of the memories my dad and I have made together. I know that tomorrow isn’t promised, and we never have as much time as we want with our parents. But Fear Fest and Shudder have become our happy places. Because of this, even after my dad leaves this realm, I’ll always have our favorite classics—The Tingler featuring Vincent Price, An American Werewolf in London, Halloween (1978), and so many more—to remember him by and to smile (no pun intended, LOL).

So, thank you, AMC, for helping us create these memories. And Dad, if you ever see this, thank you for being the best dad ever, for letting me hang out with you every night even when you could barely keep your eyes open. Because of you, I’m a horror nerd, a horror enthusiast, and a Michael Myers fan for life! Love you, Daddy. Love, LELE <3.


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